The Boyfriend and I decided to revisit segments of the Strawberry Fields tour we did earlier in the year. As you can see, we began the 58.9 mile ride in a layer of fog. Earlier in the week, a heat wave hit the Bay Area so the cooler temperature was rather a surprise and somewhat chilly. We began in Watsonville and traveled through Soquel and Aptos as well as Eureka Canyon and Soquel San Jose roads.
The Boyfriend recently bought me Specialized All Condition Armadillo road tires which reign supreme in terms of not flatting out. I felt safer on descents but on the downside, they do feel somewhat heavier. While The Boyfriend raced along as though he was driving a Miata, I felt like I was steering a tank and I fell behind for most of the ride. Yes, it's easier to blame the tires ....
Much of our ride was in a forest with a bit of a grade but which was peaceful and afforded me time to a) go even slower than a brisk walk and b) contemplate some blogs I've read of late in which people refer to their partners as "The Spousal Unit." In my mind, I keep seeing one's lover as a kitchen appliance, you know, something that comes with the house, the kids and the dog.
We finished the ride in 4 1/2 hours (bit slow, somewhat lame) as the Tank, I mean, my bike, I mean, I ran out of gas the last 10 miles.