This morning, The Boyfriend called to cancel our ride to the coast. A business trip left him feeling a bit under the weather. Ah, the life of a world renowned whatchamacallit.
For one brief moment, I thought, I'm off the hook, I can spend the day lounging by the pool, sipping an alcoholic fruit filled concoction topped off with a pink flowered umbrella, watching strapping young men clean the pool. Alas, the fantasy faded as duty compelled me to go out on my own. Afterall, I had played the lounge lizard all week long ....
As I ate a bowl of Kashi cereal (which The BF refers to as twigs), I decided to meander up Felter Road and monitor the rather strange weather. You see the threatening clouds in the above photo. The BF mentioned rain and thunder and lightening up his way.
Gotta love that Felter Road. As I climbed, I noticed the air was dead calm. I thought I felt rain drops only to realize that it was me, sweating profusely. Gotta love those hormones. I think maybe I was having a hottie flash. It was muggy but one has to wonder if one thinks it is raining ... and it's just you swimming in big drops of sweat. I just know that right about now, The BF is realizing how my prose is downright romantic and seductive.
Oh, which road to take -- the one less traveled -- eenie meenie mynee moe, I'll go straight on Felter rather than turning on Calaveras. I began to feel like the swan in Swan Lake, dying as I climbed. Not. Oh my Golly, while I was still in weenie gears, I felt stronger than I have felt doing this climb in the past. Though I did have this odd ache in my right tushy that irritated me beyond belief. There she goes again, The BF is thinking, ever so romantic with her writing.
I reached Sierra Road to be greeted by clouds hanging in the valley. What a sight. And the men at the top. But they were just the icing. Let me tell you about the real sight.....
But first, San Jose, looms in the mist. Neato peato.
As I descended Sierra Road, men appeared, one after another, climbing up. Did I make the right decision in my choice of which road to take earlier in the day? You bet your sweet touchie I did. There must have been 75 of them waving, smiling, saying hello to me, and ha ha, asking me about getting to the summit. Oh the advice I gave, having nothing to do with biking....
Strange weather. It never did rain and the temperature went from chilly to muggy to sunny. I'm glad I kept it short and sweet.
16.5 miles
25.5 max speed
8.8 mph avg
1 hr 50 min.
1 comment:
Felter is a real climb: I admire your ambition when riding on your own. I was getting drizzled and splattered in Marin, where I struggled (and failed) to keep up with a couple of much faster riders. They were friendly though, and bought me seafood for lunch!
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