Friday, December 7, 2007

Aloha les Etats-Unis

So, let's see, when The Boyfriend said, "Want to go to Paris with a stopover in London to get a good curry (we have yet to experience Indian cuisine in the Bay Area like the kind in England) AND no cycling involved (doo dah doo dah) ...." -- um, what do you think I said? "Oh alright, if you insist."

Ah, what do you think the first thing my office buds said, "What, no biking! Is he going through cyclopause or bikeopause? Is he okay? Did he fall off his bike and hit his head?"

We're leaving this Sunday. We'll be staying at a family run hotel in Montmartre, you know, Toulouse Lautrec, Moulin Rouge, Lapin Agile. C'est tout pour maintenant.

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