Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Wetland Trail

He: Let's do the Alameda Creek Trail Saturday!
Me: Let's do the CH Trail, you know the one that leads to my bedroom where I can take a long nap.
He: Bring lots of water and food.
Me: How about I bring lots of men, instead.
He: [ignoring me]. 9:30am sharp my place, Missy.

Naturally, I showed up at his pad at 10:00am.

The day began with gray skies and a chill in the air as we crossed the Dumbarton Bridge and began the 45 mile or so trail. Eventually we saw blue skies.

The Boyfriend got a flat out by Niles Canyon and later, I got a flat too despite the Specialized Armadillo tires, you know, the tank tires he bought me so that I wouldn't have flats and would always lag behind him. I told him to go get the limo. He told me to fix the flat. We really know how to communicate with one another ....

We saw lots of wildlife but no wild men. Pretty flowers, though, eh.

Next weekend, we're off on a biking holiday. Stay tuned.

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