Saturday, December 19, 2009

Warm Me Baby

I love presents. I get really girly when I receive gifts. Shower me, Mister. And last night, they arrived! The leg warmers I won from the recent LKHC awards ceremony. Tiny, aren't they. But, a marvelous fit as I discovered today on my weenie woman training ride.

I wasn't sure if they'd stay put. I wondered if I should get one of my garter belts to keep them in place. In fact, as I contemplated this image on my ride, as I began to design dirty naughty cycling clothing for us real women, I had an accident. Oh shucks, clumsy me. Alas, I obviously lived to write yet another blog.
And of course I met a male cyclist on my ride ... at first I was all alone, surprised not to see others out because once the fog lifted, it was a rather nice day. But he magically appeared, giving me the boost I needed after the accident. I only managed to do 15 miles, some climbing and some descending and a little race with the stranger. But sometimes, that's all it takes.
15 miles
32.5 mph racing with the stranger
4-10 mph for the climbing part

1 comment:

Alison Chaiken said...

Aren't you going to tell us where you rode? What kind of cycling blog is this, anyway?