Sunday, August 13, 2017

Hiking Henry Coe

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to hike Henry Coe even if it meant doing 10.5 miles.  My buds above charging head as we head out towards China Hole.  We were fortunate to have a breeze and mild temperatures.  It was weird driving up Henry Coe rather than biking it.  Neato peato too because Frank and Stella just got a hybrid and we learned all about and got to observe how it shifted between gas and electric.  The electric is so quiet.   I enjoyed our automobile lesson.

I love the the Manzanita tree. Straight out of a Star Trek episode.

On and on we went, through Manzanita groves and then open areas such as this.  I was glad for the opportunity to see what Henry Coe looks like.  We came across a few hikers but mostly we had this vast playground to ourselves. 

Behold a sight of me trying to not look glamorous, ha ha, almost to China Hole.  We saw butterflies and little dinosaurs (aka lizards) plus brazen squirrels.

China Hole!  We took off our shoes and welcomed the water upon our tired feet, plus, the minnows who sucked our skin.  A delightful experience. I remember that same sensation many years ago as a child in a swimming hole in Israel.   Bill and Frank ventured further and before we knew it, they were submerged deeply in the hole.  I couldn't be bothered to strip down and join them; I needed the time to sit and relax.  To leave and continue on our hike, we had to climb out and cross the creek 12 times.  And it was a long hard climb out at times.

Upon one of these crossings, we came across my favorite insect -- The Lady Bug.  Clearly engaged in a ritual or mating party or something to which we could only observe and marvel.   While crossing another part of the stream, and I'm sorry it happened too fast to take a photo, a bunch of turkeys took flight in a noisy and clunky manner.  Another spectacular sight of nature to behold.

One last look before heading back to the Hybrid.  10.5 miles left me with a few blisters, sigh, but I loved that we did this hike and I got to see the splendor of Henry Coe. 

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