Thursday, November 27, 2014

LKHC Mt. Hamilton - "The annual tradition cannot be stopped"

'Twas the night before, and all through the house, not a cyclist was stirring, wait a minute, back it up to the beginning.  Last night, I scurried over to the Caltrans station to pick up Dan the Man.  Except it was a Sharks game night.  Who knew!  Well, I did, about an hour beforehand, and boy was the traffic dreadful.
Dan and I got his bike on the Kuat bike rack in under a minute. We had a decent and inexpensive taco dinner at a Mexican restaurant.

Can we say time for pajama party!  Mr. Kevin posted an "artistic" photo of bananas on Facebook which we interpreted as pornographic.  Then Google posted a turkey that I suppose was bobbing but in our minds it sure looked like something else, namely naughty.  Before we got too silly, we decided to turn in for the evening.  I had another wonderful night of sleep.  Boy, it does a body good to sleep.

I made Dan steel oats with raisins for breakfast.  We loaded up our gear in the car.  Thanks to Dan, we discovered that several of the bolts for the bike rack were loose.  I now know to check occasionally.  Dan tightened everything.  It made all the difference in securing the bikes properly on the rack. 

I started an hour earlier than the rest of the LKHC cyclists.  Why?  Because I'm so slow.  The weather was agreeable, wonderfully warm with no wind.  I kept thinking something was wrong because no one had caught up to me.  It was not until mile 12, past the bridge, that Mr. Bill tooted his horn.  I thought the Lollipop Man or an icecream truck was behind me.  At mile 14, the really fast riders caught me, including Dan.  Still, I was thrilled because I knew, for once, I'd be finishing with the pack.  I was kicking ass for me.  By the way, there were a lot of flats today, at least 7 that I remember.

For one brief moment, I thought I might shatter my record.  Dream on.... Alas, I finished the same time I did back in 2009 but still, I was thrilled.  Being able to ride with the pack was a nice treat.  I felt strong and I had a blast.   I may not have finished last for once.  We'll see.  I descended in an hour and 15 minutes, which again, for me, is darn good.  I bid farewell to Kevin and took Dan to the train station.  LKHC, Mt. Hammerton (as Kevin calls it), a fine tradition.  I enjoyed myself and I appreciate this series.  It makes Turkey Day memorable.

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