Saturday, June 6, 2015

Braving Alum Rock Park again

You may remember that sometime last year, on one of our hikes, we encountered, in my mind, an anaconda (otherwise known as a rattlesnake) that left us rattled.  Side note, last week, while The BF and I were eating at the junction cafe, a woman walked around proudly waving a headless rattler that she had killed.  Goodness.  Not sure what's worse, meeting a snake or, you know, an alien.  Where was I, oh yes, my friend and I finally returned to Alum Rock for a hike.

I am so not poking my head in there.... the park was pretty packed even at 9am in the morning.  But not with snakes or aliens, as far as I could tell.  Yay.

Lookey, a stairway to Paradise.  Time now for my nap.

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