Friday, December 25, 2015

Lovely Christmas

Miss P. and I spent today in Half Moon Bay, specifically Princeton-by-the-Sea, near Barbara's Fishtrap restaurant.

We marveled at the scenery, enjoying the serenity of the area.

But even Nature has its moments.  I watched this egret with its yellow feet, dive into the water and chomp away at a little fish.  We also watched a seagull enjoy a freshly caught crab, big enough to be served as an appetizer for us, you know. 

We explored.  We tackled the tide pools, me wishing I had better shoes to deal with the wet and slippery surface.  The ocean was calm in some parts, and violent in others, with waves crashing against the rocks.  Simply a most wonderful time.  And a lovely way to spend Christmas.  Joyful and Peaceful.

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