Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Trail Runs Through It

How to amuse myself today with options to do this and that.  Given the beautiful weather, I couldn't just stay in bed all day consuming bonbons and other delectables.  Well, there was one brief moment when I almost succumbed to the temptation.  I opted to return to Sierra Vista Open Space Preserve. 

I got to test the trekking poles I recently purchased.  I find that they give me energy and balance.  I enjoyed being alone with my thoughts and classical music on my iPod Nano.  I recently watched the movie Wild (wrong actress and underdeveloped).  But, it was why I chose to go on a hike today.

I waited for a troll to appear but alas, no such luck.  I sauntered on.  Notice the hills remain green!

I walked here.  I walked there.  I simply walked and wandered.  I encountered two mtn. bikers who gave me tips on where else to walk.  Then, I gave them some tips too, having nothing to do with hiking.  Oh don't get me started on what transpired with that conversation. They were a treat.  I also met a ranger adding dirt to a part of the trail.  He said I passed.  I mean he said I could pass.  Oh don't get me started on what transpired with that conversation.

I watched a turkey vulture eye the remains of a squirrel and swoop down for lunch.  This shot by the way is from the road.  I ended up walking on the road back to the summit of Sierra.  I've biked it and now found myself walking it.  Back at the parking lot, at the end of today's journey, I met a man, no you say, who asked if I had a good hike.  I just smiled and walked away.

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